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PAP Membership

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Annual dues are $200 for active members and $20 for resident and fellow members. Membership is on a calendar year basis (Jan. 1 – Dec. 31). Questions regarding membership in the PAP should be directed to



Definition of Membership Classes:

Active Member: An active member shall be a graduate of a recognized School of Medicine or of Osteopathy who has completed a formal training program in Pathology toward the qualifications of the American Board of Pathology or the American Osteopathic Board of Pathology or of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, or other certifying body judged to be of equivalent standards by the Executive Council of the Pennsylvania Association of Pathologists and who is practicing Pathology part or full time.


Resident Member: A resident member shall be a graduate of a recognized School of Medicine or of Osteopathy, who is actively engaged in a formal training program (includes fellows) in Pathology toward the qualifications of the American Board of Pathology, or of the American Osteopathic Board of Pathology or of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada or other certifying body judged to be of equivalent standards by the Executive Council of the Pennsylvania Association of Pathologists.  Upon notification to the Secretary-Treasurer of completion of his residency and/or fellowship in Pathology, a resident member shall automatically be transferred to Active Member status.


Affiliate Member: A qualified individual who devotes the major portion of practice in Pathology or in one or more of its subdivisions, is eligible to be an affiliate member. Affiliate members shall not have the right to vote or hold elective office but may serve on standing or ad hoc committees. Dues would be assessed.


Inactive Member: An Active Member who is no longer engaged in the practice of pathology or has retired from active practice, upon written application and approval by the Executive Council, will be granted inactive status. Inactive members shall pay dues and shall not have the right to hold office or to vote while they are in this category of membership.


Emeritus Member: A member who has reached the age of 80 and has been a member in good standing for at least twenty (20) years will be granted Emeritus status. No dues will be assessed, and Emeritus Members shall not have the right to hold office or vote.

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